Having been through the previous sections you should now have a good idea of how existing employers in the Movement to Work network have offered placements, as well as an initial plan for the strategic direction of your own programme.

Below are common questions on the practicalities of offering placements; before, during and after.


Q: Should I work with a training provider?

A: Our Youth Engagement Network provides a channel to training providers, youth outreach organisations and affiliates to support your employability programme. Please speak to your Movement to Work account manager to discuss the options available.

The advantages of working with a member of our partner network is their knowledge of Movement to Work, the employability landscape and support they can provide to businesses.

They also often have detailed reporting requirements over a sustained period of time, enabling improved tracking of outcomes of young people and better insight into your programme’s success.

If your preference is to work independently or with an organisation not listed in the Youth Engagement Network, we completely understand but please do let us know; ultimately, growing our network means delivering even more for young people!

Click here to view our Partners

Q: Where do I advertise my placements and programmes?

A: We have a Talent Portal hosted by Get My First Job. With more than 100,000 hits per month, Get My First Job is popular with those seeking entry-level vacancies. The Movement to Work Talent Portal advertises your opportunities free of charge.

The applications can either be directed to your website (subject to GDPR agreements) or processed via one of our supporting employers, Manpower. The link is available via the Movement to Work website or directly via Get My First Job. Completion of the template is quick and can be found in the Member Area. Take a look at current opportunities here.

Q: My employer doesn’t have any relevant training material, do you have any resources we can use?

A: Accenture’s CSR Team has developed the Movement to Work Employability Skills Curriculum. The curriculum helps you to deploy two industry leading, interactive online training tools; Skills to Succeed and Digital Skills.

The Curriculum can be used in its entirety or in modules; as a Member of Movement to Work, you have the freedom to use as many modules as you like to support your employability programme. There are many advantages to this online training, namely to:

  • relevant content for today’s learners, presented in an engaging way
  • flexible delivery (e.g. in classroom session or independent study)
  • enables non-specialists to deliver employability and digital skills training with ease
  • reduced preparation time
  • allows organisations to upskill in large numbers

Once you become a Movement to Work member, the links to view the Movement to Work Employability Skills Curriculum will be made available to you.


Q: Does Movement to Work recommend additional support?

A: Mentors, ambassadors and employment support: we have found that placements are significantly more effective for young people when they are supported in the workplace on a day-to-day basis, for example by a designated ‘buddy’ or mentor. This makes the young people more confident and allows them to better fulfil their true potential. Mentors enjoy the experience and become more engaged and bought-in to social mobility. We have found the long-term culture of employers can be boosted significantly. Young people who are mentored both during and after their WEX find this support invaluable in securing a job or returning to education.

Some young people benefit from supported employment, i.e. an external person working closely and supporting both the young person and their team environment. Via the Movement to Work Partner Network, introductions to organisations who can provide supported employment are available.

Q: How do we monitor our impact with our participants?

A: Via the Meet & Engage Movement to Work communications channel, participants on your employability programme will be invited to join a chat session anonymously (occurring at a regular time, twice a month) to provide their thoughts. This session will be focussed on understanding what is working well, as well as identifying improvements to programmes, and will be moderated so that people, companies or specific employability programmes are not identified.

Q: How does Movement to Work collect our reporting data?

A: In order to track the delivery of programmes with each employer throughout the year and understand the progression of participants coming through their Movement to Work programmes, we collect data from our members each quarter via a simple survey.

The data requested centres on the volume of participants coming through direct-entry programmes, and placements, and their progression after completing programmes into jobs or back into education. Here’s a breakdown of the data that we request:

  • Direct Employment:
    • Number into employment
    • Number into apprenticeships
  • Work experience placements started & completed
  • For the young people who completed a placement, the number who:
    • Obtained jobs in your organisation
    • Obtained jobs in another organisation
    • Returned to education / training
    • Remained not in employment, education or training (NEET)
    • Did not respond

Once a year, issued in the Q1 Survey, we also request diversity and inclusion data (gender, ethnicity, disability), and regional data for the previous year. This data is key to understanding our member-wide impact across the employability space, and more importantly, ensure that we are adequately supporting participants into a positive outcome, and setting targets for ourselves to improve on (e.g. proportion of the market we are reaching, percentages of participants going into employment). We are also uniquely placed to identify trends and insights, whether it be on employer delivery, or collective insights based on regional or diversity footprints.


Q: What happens to young people once they complete their placement?

A: Upon graduation from an employability programme, we hope participants will secure a job or return to further education or training. Understanding this is not always the case, Movement to Work is always looking at ways in which those leaving a programme without a positive outcome can be supported. This includes working with partners such as Bridge of Hope who work with a wide range of inclusive employers.

Q: Can we contribute anything more? 

A: Yes! We always need more ambassadors to help spread the word on Movement to Work and our mission. As a network of employers, both large and small, we can create a nationwide multiplier effect and do more to impact the lives of young people and drive positive business performance. If you would like to join our leadership forums, webinars and share your case studies, we would be delighted to hear from you.